"Where Champions Are Made"

United States Tennis Association

The USTA was founded in 1881 to promote the game of tennis.

The USTA is a non-profit corporation with more than 665,000 individual members whose volunteers, professional staff, and financial resources support a single mission:

To promote and develop the growth of tennis.

 The USTA charge is:

  • To promote the development of tennis as a means of healthy recreation and physical fitness;
  • To establish and maintain rules of play and high standards of amateurism and good sportsmanship;
  • To foster national and international amateur tennis tournaments and competitions;
  • To encourage, sanction, and conduct tennis tournaments and competitions open to athletes without regard to race, creed, color, sexual preference, or national origin and under the best conditions possible so as to effectively promote the game of tennis with the general public;
  • To generally encourage through tennis the development of health, character, and responsible citizenship.